AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) was identified in 1981; a new disease having the power of destroying human race. Immune suppressant characteristic of AIDS soon recognized as its hallmark. Antiretroviral (ARV) were developed for the treatment but they fail to eradicate HIV virus in infected person though they are good to decrease HIV viral load for short duration, which carries lot of side effects. Currently over 40 million people are infected with HIV/AIDS around the globe, and the number is increasing day by day, it is estimated that everyday around 11,000 people becoming infected. Considering the scale of devastation there is a dire need to find permanent treatment of HIV AIDS.
As HIV start spreading globally, in 1987 its first case was recognized in Pakistan, which prompted a large scale research to find the magnitude of the problem, a study was conducted in the high risk group of 956 individuals, it was found out that Seven HIV-1 and Four HIV-2 cases were positive were as Sixteen cases were recognized as indeterminate.
In the year of 1994, a joint Medical Research Project was initiated between the Health Ministry, government of Japan, on “Epidemiological Studies on Viral Infections through Blood Transfusion in Asian Countries” in that project Dr. Muhammad Rafiq and Dr. Asim Awan were chosen by Nagoay University, School of Medicine [ref: 2 & 3]to find cure of HIV/AIDS this collaboration was extended for the search for HIV drugs and their screening [ref: 4] As a result over 200 medicinal plants were screened for anti-HIV activity. Those found highly active against HIV virus were tested in animal and humans. more..
Success Stories
Cured Patients Lab Reports
Baariz Anti Viral Immunomodulator
In the first study Baariz was tested in 31 HIV/AIDS patients by a remarkable degree of success and marked improvement in the health of patients, 26 patients became PCR negative in 12 to 18 months of treatment. Alhamdolilla a cure is found. This study was presented in the 5 International AIDS Conference in Cape Town, South Africa. Followed by another study in 60 patients which was presented in Rome, Italy in IAS conference.
Baariz a cure brings hope and reason to live in the life of the patients with HIV/AIDS.Hiv Aids Medicine, Baariz is available in capsules form to be taken 3 times a day. Being pure herbal in nature it does not have any side effects (please see patients reports)

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